BB&E Awarded NASA Ames Research Center Environmental Support Task Order

BB&E was selected to provide environmental support to NASA’s Ames Research Center’s (ARC) Environmental Management Division (EMD). ARC, located on Moffett Field in Sunnyvale, California, is one of ten NASA field centers. ARC consists of a variety of facilities, including: offices, runways, aircraft support facilities and hangars, research laboratories, aerospace/aeronautics facilities (e.g., wind tunnels, arc jets, simulators, etc.), computer laboratories, ballistic ranges, general testing facilities, machine shops, metal shops, model shops, motor pools, test chambers, and storage facilities. Jurisdictional wetlands are located within the ARC facility and several plant and animal species listed as threatened or endangered under the Federal Endangered Species Act or considered special status under State Endangered Species Act are also present. The EMD at ARC manages environmental programs and is dedicated to sustaining an effective environmental compliance and protection culture at ARC in accordance with all Federal, State, and local laws and regulations.
BB&E will provide environmental technical expertise and support services to meet ARC’s environmental management objectives, including comprehensive support for ARC’s Restoration Program to remediate, restore, protect and enhance mission resources. Additionally, BB&E will provide technical expertise and support for environmental compliance, Environmental Management Systems (EMS), cultural resources, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)/Environmental Justice, natural resources (wildlife, plants, ecosystems), and sustainability practices and pollution prevention, including water conservation, energy conservation, waste reduction/recycling, sustainable acquisition.