BB&E – NFA Determination from State of Michigan, Industrial Hexavalent Chrome Remediation Project

In accordance with the Judicial Consent Decree (JCD) regarding the performance of response activities at the facility, BB&E prepared a Remedial Design and implemented the Remedial Action for this former chrome plating facility. A Response Activity Plan (RAP) for Source Area Remedial Design was prepared and implemented to treat sources of soil and groundwater CrVI contamination at and emanating from the facility. Calcium polysulfide (CPS) treatment chemistry was utilized as an in-situ reducing agent to convert CrVI to CrIII. Remedial response activities included a data gap investigation, bench scale testing, remedial design, full-scale in-situ injections of CPS treatment chemistry, and site performance monitoring, evaluation, and reporting. BB&E prepared the No Further Action (NFA) documentation including the financial assurance mechanism (FAM) to effectively discontinue active site remediation and enable commencement with long-term site groundwater monitoring per the NFA documentation and JCD requirements.