NASA AMES Research Center Environmental Program Support

Project overview
BB&E provides environmental program management services to National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center (ARC) Environmental Management Division (EMD), including environmental technical expertise and recommendations in compliance with laws, regulations, and conformance with NASA policies, procedures, and Executive Orders (EOs) including EO 13423, EO 13514, and ISO 14001. BB&E completes environmental audits and manages a common tracking system to assist with analyzing trends both in areas of concern and process improvement for all environmental areas. BB&E provides support to update environmental and sustainability aspects (pollution prevention, recycling, and affirmative procurement) and identification of high and medium aspects to develop Environmental Management Plans (EMPs) for high-priority aspects. BB&E also provides National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and Environmental Justice (EJ) support for programming projects at ARC. We conduct preliminary NEPA evaluation of a wide range of proposed ARC programs, projects, and activities. We review NEPA and California Environmental Quality Act documentation for the proposed projects to determine what the impacts are to ARC and provide comments on the adequacy of the documents and the project’s potential to affect.