Three New Contracts Awarded in Support of AFCEC/CFSD and its Mission Partners Worldwide

BB&E is excited to announce that we have been awarded three new multiple-award, five-year contracts to support the Air Force Civil Engineer Center Customer Funded Design and Construction Branch (AFCEC/CFSD) and its mission partners. These contracts are part of our Joint Venture with SpecPro Sustainment and Environmental (SpecPro-BB&E JV LLC). Our JV team is committed to delivering the same excellent support that BB&E has provided to AFCEC/CFSD in recent years.
Under these contracts, the SpecPro-BB&E JV will provide planning, programming, and project management support for the worldwide execution and administration of inspection, design, construction, demolition, and environmental contracts in support of Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Energy, DLA Environmental, and DLA Distribution (DS-FD).
Specifically, our team will assist with requirements identification/development and project management for all components of DLA Energy capitalized fuel infrastructure. This includes planning, real property coordination, work classification, project scoping, inspection, design and specifications development, scheduling, cost estimation, construction, and system commissioning of DLA Energy capitalized fuel infrastructure at DoD installations worldwide.
In support of DLA Environmental, our team will aid AFCEC/CFSD with acquisition and project management for various purposes such as remedial investigations, feasibility studies, minor restoration, remediation, assessment and inspection of storage tanks, truck and rail car loading racks, pipelines, marine piers, hydrant systems, vehicle service stations, and secondary containment systems. The assessments will cover integrity, pressure, and hydrocarbon sensor tests for leak detection, five-year UFC tests, condition assessment reports, spill control and tank management plans, and development of Operations and Maintenance (O&M) manuals and reports.
For DS-FD and AFCEC/CFSD, our team will support the acquisition and project management of inspections, surveys, assessments, design, and construction for DLA Installation Support for Distribution (Defense Distribution Centers/Warehouses) worldwide. This includes fire suppression adequacy, design, and construction. Our mission also includes asset management and facility planning support, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation, site characterization surveys, facility condition assessments, cultural resources documentation, sustainability strategies, and facility optimizations for over thirty (30) distribution centers worldwide. Additionally, our support will encompass space utilization surveys, facility planning and assessment support, technical document and design support, energy audits, Building Information Modeling (BIM) modeling, and space categorization surveys.